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When I click on Admin Permissions on the Admin CP, it gives me:
Quote:Access Denied

You do not have permission to access this part of the administration control panel.

How can I access it?
The root or main admin has give you access to that area. By default it's disabled for all non root admins.
Thanks, but I am the root admin and the only admin! What else can I do?
Change it in phpmyadmin. Look at the adminpermissions table. Find your user id and change everything to yes.
there is no adminpermissions as i can see in my phpmyadmin. maybe becouse he is the only admin like i am where i dont have adminpermissions table
Thanks I went to phpmyadmin, but I can't find a mybb_adminpermissions table:
Does anyone have an adminpermissions table?
It should be mybb_adminoptions. Change mybb_ to your table prefix.

And please don't double post especially within the same hour.
Thanks, its all now working! Cheers!