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Full Version: Another mail prob
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posted it on here so i will give you the link
Is this a custom made mod or is this coming from MyBB itself? On my RC4 board it sends out problems without a problem, so if might server related.
nope its not a mod just the standard forum software, it will not send e-mails to user's, lost password e-mails, reminders etc that kinda stuff. nothing on the e-mail side will be sent out to people. host says it not them and that the phpmail() function is enabled on there hosting so its not that and you guys say its not MyBB so i dunno what it could be.

I have e-mails set in the ACP mailto:[email protected] / admin mail set too [email protected] and here is my code in functions.php

function mymail($to, $subject, $message, $from="")
	global $db, $mybb, $settings;
            $from = (!$from||strlen(trim($from))==0) ? "\"$settings[bbname] Mailer\" <$settings[adminemail]>" : $from;
	mail($to, $subject, $message, "From: $from");

I've even set up another forum on my host to make sure its not a mod that is conflicting and the new forum does the same, will NOT send out any e-mails to user's or lost password mails etc.

please help