MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Reducing Forum Stats
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Quote:Our members have made a total of xxx posts in xxx threads.
We currently have xxx members in the forums.
Please welcome our newest member, xxx!
The most members online at one time was xxx on xxx

Can the above four-line stats be reduced to something like this, thx:

Members: xxx; Posts: xxx; Threads: xxx.
The record of online users is: xxx, today at xx PM. (I could do without this line)
Please welcome our newest member, xxx!
In inc/languages/english/index.lang.php, find:
$l['stats_posts_threads'] = "Our members have made a total of {1} posts in {2} threads.";
$l['stats_numusers'] = "We currently have {1} members registered.";
$l['stats_newestuser'] = "Please welcome our newest member, <b>{1}</b>";
$l['stats_mostonline'] = "The most users online at one time was {1} on {2} at {3}";
Replace with:
$l['stats_posts_threads'] = "Posts: {1}; Threads: {2}.";
$l['stats_numusers'] = "Members: {1}; ";
$l['stats_newestuser'] = "Please welcome our newest member, <b>{1}</b>";
$l['stats_mostonline'] = "The record of online users is: {1}, {2} at {3}";

Now go to Admin CP --> Templates --> Modify / Delete --> *expand your template set* --> Index Page Templates --> index_stats

{$lang->stats_posts_threads}<br />
{$lang->stats_numusers}<br />
{$lang->stats_newestuser}<br />

Replace with:
{$lang->stats_numusers}{$lang->stats_posts_threads}<br />
{$lang->stats_mostonline}<br />

If you feel like it you can remove
{$lang->stats_mostonline}<br />

You can alternatively make the language pack changes in the Admin CP Language Manager: Admin CP --> Language Manager --> Manage Languages --> Edit the English language pack variables --> index.php (choose the front-end file, not admin file) (requires your language packs be writable by the server)
Thanks! Big Grin