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Full Version: Authorisation Issue with posting
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I just did a fresh install of MyBB 1.2.12 today, but when I try to post or change my profile for instance, I get the following error message:

Quote:Authorisation code mismatch. Are you accessing this function correctly? Please go back and try again.

Are there any idea what could be causing the problem?

Clear your cache and you will have a resolution to the issue my friend.
I cleared my cache and tried your suggestion but it hasn't worked unfortunately. Thanks anyway though.
it does work as I had to do it today. What browser and OS are you using? Alos, did you download the zip today? if not then download it again and upload thread.js as directed in the linked thread I provided. I cleared my cache and clicked control + F5 and all was right.
My OS is PCLinuxOS and I've tried both Opera and Firefox. Yeah the zip was downloaded about an hour ago. I'll keep trying though