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Full Version: MyBB template to my website
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I have no clue how to get a My bb template onto my site.
Please explain with more detail. What page? Where? Whats the template name? have you even made one?
I think macfreak is referring to a theme rather than a template.
(can get easily confused).

anyway, macfreak, can you please be more specific, as to what theme/template you wish to put onto your website?

If it is a theme, read the readme file. (located in the zip).

generally you upload the files, then add the theme through the,
"themename.mybb" file.
Its the template you can download off of My bullitens website. and i want to put it on my website how do I do this???
Dude you need to be more specific so people can help

1) Whats the name of the template
2) Link to template
3) Link to your site
4) What are you having trouble with