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ct2k7 Wrote:roflmao, let me see....
I seem to have limited priviledges , could you please escalate me? I would like to add some test events. Can you post a screen pic of your calendar showing x>29 days for February 2008 please?
Upped your priviledges and heres a pic of what i can see
Hi, can you scroll up so I can see the date please?
Also, where is your server hosted?

Can you upload the PHP file (to the root) I have attached? All is does is report server date and time but also, gives server configuration, phpinfo, which should also be helpful.

ct2k7 Wrote:Hi, can you scroll up so I can see the date please?
Also, where is your server hosted?
certainly can, think its hosted in germany
ok, now this gets better, can you upload the file in my last post please? Also, what timezone are you in?
And, have you enabled daylight saving timezone correction?
GMT timezone with daylight enabled,il give it a whirl Smile
Ok, I have disabled daylight and I'm in your timezone. Only when I have DST disabled, I see 31 days. The good thing is that MyBB tells that day 30 and 31 are invalid. But why they are there, I'm not sure....
Jeeees your right,disable the dst and 29 days appear

wow your a genius! that would have taken me years!
lol, I was experimenting with that on my forum once. What version of myBB are you running? I still can't access test.php. I am served with a HTTP 404. Cannot be found.

You have DST disabled and 29 days?????

I have the opposite....: 31 days without and 29 DST enabled
its the latest version of mybb only been installed a week after a server move so still getting to grips with it. i can access the file and its in the correct day/date
hmmm, I can't access it at all :

Can you upload a fresh copy of calendar.php from a new copy of
I think I just figured it out --- Your copy of calendar.php, unless you edited it is invalid. It should be better when you upload a new copy in binary.

Here is your copy you provided in your first post:

Quote:{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 <?php\par
* MyBB 1.2\par
* Copyright \'a9 2006 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved\par
* Website:\par
* License:\par
* $Id: calendar.php 3596 2008-01-20 08:27:39Z Tikitiki $\par
define("IN_MYBB", 1);\par
$templatelist = "calendar,calendar_eventbit_public,calendar_eventbit_private,calendar_addpublicevent,calendar_addprivateevent,calendar_addevent,calendar_event,calendar_daybit,calendar_daybit_today";\par
require_once "./global.php";\par
require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions_post.php";\par
require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_parser.php";\par
$parser = new postParser;\par
$event_parser_options = array(\par
\tab "allow_html" => "no",\par
\tab "allow_mycode" => "yes",\par
\tab "allow_smilies" => "yes",\par
\tab "allow_imgcode" => "yes"\par


\tab $yearsel = '';\par
\tab for($i = my_date("Y"); $i < (my_date("Y") + 5); $i++)\par
\tab\tab $yearsel .= "<option value=\\"$i\\">$i</option>\\n";\par
\tab if($mybb->usergroup['canaddpublicevents'] != "no")\par
\tab\tab eval("\\$addpublicevent = \\"".$templates->get("calendar_addpublicevent")."\\";");\par
\tab if($mybb->usergroup['canaddprivateevents'] != "no")\par
\tab\tab eval("\\$addprivateevent = \\"".$templates->get("calendar_addprivateevent")."\\";");\par
\tab if($addpublicevent && $addprivateevent)\par
\tab\tab $neweventsep = " | ";\par
\tab $plugins->run_hooks("calendar_end");\par
\tab eval("\\$calendar = \\"".$templates->get("calendar")."\\";");\par
\tab output_page($calendar);\par
As you can see it has a lot of \par and stuff before <*?*php.
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