hey , im trying to use quick reply plugin which can find here :
after ive installed the new pluging everything worked fine except one thing ... when im writing hebrew it posts a gibrish.. ive tried to change all the charset to windows-1255 , didnt help..
anyone have any ideas ?
regards , ImMortaL .
In the plugin file edit this function:
Quote: $message = strval($_POST['message']);
$charset = $lang->settings['charset'];
if(strtolower($charset) != "utf-8")
$message = iconv("UTF-8", $charset, $message);
else if(function_exists("mb_convert_encoding"))
$message = mb_convert_encoding($message, $charset, "UTF-8");
else if(strtolower($charset) == "iso-8859-1")
$message = utf8_decode($message);
what should i change and to what ?
I just converted to UTF-8 my database and Language files, then this plugin start working great
u didnt help me much i need to write hebrew ... what should i do ? and how im doing it ?
windows-1255 is that hebrew?
Edit the function for that instead of utf-8. Play with it...figure it out. I gave you everything you need to troubleshoot this. Since I don't speak or write Hebrew nor have it as my windows charset I can't help you further.
yeah WINDOWS-1255 is hebrew , but where do i put it ?
replace it with every utf-8 and iso-8859-1 in the code u gave me ?
I would suggest converting to UTF-8 (I didn't bother making this compatible for non UTF-8 languages).
The reason is because UTF-8 is increasingly becoming the standard as a Unicode character set. AJAX only sends data as UTF-8 (possibly one of the drivers for this).
MyBB, since 1.2.10 provides a feature to convert your database to UTF-8, and I would suggest doing it.
If, however, for some odd reason you don't want to convert to UTF-8, you can try Dared's mod:
(or wait for MyBB 1.4)