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Full Version: Error message - Need urgent help
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I have problem with my forum, today when I access my site I get this error message.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/discove3/public_html/inc/plugins/userperms.php on line 210

Yesterday the forum was OK and running without any problems. Can anyone help me?

The url of my forum:
Moved to the correct forum.
I can see the forum now but it is messed up. There is the following error
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/discove3/public_html/inc/class_core.php:325) in /home/discove3/public_html/inc/functions.php on line 1216

Also can´t login in my Admin CP. Getting this error
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/discove3/public_html/inc/class_core.php:325) in /home/discove3/public_html/admin/global.php on line 53

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/discove3/public_html/inc/class_core.php:325) in /home/discove3/public_html/admin/global.php on line 95

Would anyone be able to help me here?
Have you edited any of the files with Notepad?
If so, download a new copy of those changed files and change them with a different text editor such as Notepad++ and upload those files. Notepad is a bad, bad editor.
I didn´t edit them at all. That is really strange as yesterday the forum was running perfectly, no errors.
Yesterday I just tried the ad randomizer system plugin from nitemare. I activated it and tried to put a widgetbucks banner, then I deactived the plugin again. However the forum was running fine after that. Today the forum is with the error messages. I don´t understant this.
Please post here the whole section above and under this line (about 10-20 lines):
'public_html/inc/functions.php on line 1216'

Open you file as readable only (if possible) and don't save any changes when closing

I think you have '<br />' outside the php tags where it's shouldn't be.
Hey dvb, here is the code.

 // Versions of PHP prior to 5.2 do not support HttpOnly cookies and IE is buggy when specifying a blank domain so set the cookie manually
$cookie = "Set-Cookie: {$name}=".urlencode($value);
if($expires > 0)
$cookie .= "; expires=".gmdate('D, d-M-Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', $expires);
$cookie .= "; path={$mybb->settings['cookiepath']}";
$cookie .= "; domain={$mybb->settings['cookiedomain']}";
if($httponly == true)
$cookie .= "; HttpOnly";
header($cookie, false);

* Unset a cookie set by MyBB.
* @param string The cookie identifier.
function my_unsetcookie($name)
global $mybb;
$expires = -3600;
my_setcookie($name, "", $expires);

* Get the contents from a serialised cookie array.
* @param string The cookie identifier.
* @param int The cookie content id.
* @return array|boolean The cookie id's content array or false when non-existent.

there is this on the line 1216
header($cookie, false);
sorry, I've make a mistake.
please post the lines arround:
public_html/inc/class_core.php - Line 325
dvb, there is nothing in the line 325, just blank line. In the last line 323 is

Here is the whole code
* MyBB 1.2
* Copyright © 2006 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
* Website:
* License:
* $Id: class_core.php 3598 2008-01-20 20:42:43Z Tikitiki $

class MyBB {
* The friendly version number of MyBB we're running.
* @var string
var $version = "1.2.12";

* The version code of MyBB we're running.
* @var integer
var $version_code = 1212;

* The current working directory.
* @var string
var $cwd = ".";

* Input variables received from the outer world.
* @var array
var $input = array();

* Information about the current user.
* @var array
var $user = array();

* Information about the current usergroup.
* @var array
var $usergroup = array();

* MyBB settings.
* @var array
var $settings = array();

* Whether or not magic quotes are enabled.
* @var unknown_type
var $magicquotes = 0;

* MyBB configuration.
* @var array
var $config = array();

* The debug information.
* @var unknown_type
var $debug;

* The request method that called this page.
* @var string.
var $request_method = "";

* Variables that need to be cleaned.
* @var array
var $clean_variables = array(
"int" => array("tid", "pid", "uid", "eid", "pmid", "fid", "aid")

* Variables that are to be ignored from cleansing proccess
* @var array
var $ignore_clean_variables = array();

* Using built in shutdown functionality provided by register_shutdown_function for < PHP 5?
var $use_shutdown = false;

* Constructor of class.
* @return MyBB
function MyBB()
// Set up MyBB
$protected = array("_GET", "_POST", "_SERVER", "_COOKIE", "_FILES", "_SERVER", "_ENV", "GLOBALS");
foreach($protected as $var)
if($_REQUEST[$var] || $_FILES[$var] || $_COOKIE[$var])
die("Hacking attempt");

$this->ignore_clean_variables = array(IGNORE_CLEAN_VARS);
$this->ignore_clean_variables = IGNORE_CLEAN_VARS;

// Determine Magic Quotes Status
$this->magicquotes = 1;
@ini_set("magic_quotes_gpc", 0);
@ini_set("magic_quotes_runtime", 0);

// Determine input

$this->request_method = "post";
$this->request_method = "get";
// If we've got register globals on, then kill them too
if (@ini_get("register_globals") == 1)
$this->debug = 1;

// Old version of PHP, need to register_shutdown_function
if(phpversion() < '5.0.5')
$this->use_shutdown = true;
register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, "__destruct"));

if(isset($this->input['intcheck']) && $this->input['intcheck'] == 1)

* Parses the incoming variables.
* @param array The array of incoming variables.
function parse_incoming($array)

foreach($array as $key => $val)
$this->input[$key] = $val;

* Strips slashes out of a given array.
* @param array The array to strip.
function strip_slashes_array(&$array)
foreach($array as $key => $val)
$array[$key] = stripslashes($array[$key]);

* Unsets globals from a specific array.
* @param array The array to unset from.
function unset_globals($array)

foreach(array_keys($array) as $key)
global $$key;

* Cleans predefined input variables.
function clean_input()
foreach($this->clean_variables as $type => $variables)
foreach($variables as $var)
// If this variable is in the ignored array, skip and move to next
if(in_array($var, $this->ignore_clean_variables))
if($type == "int" && isset($this->input[$var]) && $this->input[$var] != "lastposter")
$this->input[$var] = intval($this->input[$var]);

* Logs a message.
* @param string The file to log to.
* @param string The message to log.
function log_message($file, $message)
$handle = fopen($file, 'a');
fwrite($handle, $message);

* Triggers a generic error.
* @param string The error code.
* @param boolean Halt code execution, true for halt.
function trigger_generic_error($code, $halt=true)
case "cache_no_write":
$message = "The data cache directory (inc/cache/) needs to exist and be writable by the web server. Change its permissions so that it is writable (777 on Unix based servers).";
case "install_directory":
$message = "The install directory (install/) still exists on your server and is not locked. To access MyBB please either remove this directory or create an empty file in it called 'lock'.";
case "board_not_installed":
$message = "Your board has not yet been installed and configured. Please do so before attempting to browse it.";
$message = "MyBB has experienced an internal error. Please contact the MyBB Group for support. <a href=\"\">MyBB Website</a>";
include MYBB_ROOT."inc/generic_error.php";

function __destruct()
// Run shutdown function
so I think that the problem is 'white characters' (space, new line etc.)
delete everything after the '?>' in the last line and save

Don't use MS-notepad since it's problematic with utf8 encoding.
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