MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Integration into php website
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hello everyone, a friend of mine refered me to this forum software saying it is really good, but i dont want to have this software standalone
i want to include it into my php website, so it kind of act like a normal page on my site

the site is located at and the forum should display like the news there ( included into site )
as a little info, my page is built using php includes

i hope you know what i want to do, and if this is possible i would highly appreciate any help

thank you
To do that, you'll need to have a custom theme. MyBB can't integrate into pages themselves, so you have to mock it up so it looks like it's inside one.

Hope that helps.
well then i guess i wont use this Sad , since i would need to update the forum menu then as well when i add new links to my menu etc

to bad