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Is there a way to set permissions to user groups to allow the user group to set invisible to ON or OFF and vice versa, because I can't seem to disallow any user group, only the "view invisible users" setting
There isn't a way to enable/disable this per-usergroup at this time.

If you want to remove functionality for it, the easiest way would be to edit Admin CP --> Templates --> Modify/Delete --> *expand your template set* --> UserCP Templates --> usercp_options
<td valign="top" width="1"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="invisible" id="invisible" value="yes" {$invisiblecheck} /></td>
<td><span class="smalltext"><label for="invisible">{$lang->invisible_mode}</label></span></td>
Replace with:
<input type="hidden" name="invisible" id="invisible" value="yes" />
<!-- invisible not selected -->
yeh I thought of doing that but I have a lot of themes and I have been very busy lately so, I will just stay with this.
thanks anyway
What about a plugin that will allow admins to disable or enable the option per group. I often get someone new and they enable this in their registration process or cp, and it makes it tough for me to control. I like everyone visiting the board who is a registered member to be known to the group. This is a very important feature so it seems a plugin or switch in the next upgrade to enable or disable this option would go quite far.