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Full Version: How to fix this?
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Warning: ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: Disk full - please upload later in /home/files/public_html/includes/ on line 2565

000 Webhost File Uploader
This isn't a MyBB file. Looks like a hosting issue anyway - the disk is full - what do you do when a disk is full?
(2008-06-30, 07:00 AM)DennisTT Wrote: [ -> ]This isn't a MyBB file. Looks like a hosting issue anyway - the disk is full - what do you do when a disk is full?
Delete files, but I did that no response
Please don't tell me I have to reinstall again!
Well if you have access to phpmyadmin you can get a backup your database.Wink
I suggest a new host.
(2008-06-30, 07:20 AM)Santomartino Wrote: [ -> ]Please don't tell me I have to reinstall again!

I told you to ask your webhost about it.
If you deleted files from your account and yet you get a disk full error it may be that your web host's server disk is full!

Check in your CPanel (if your host gives you CPanel) and see if you are over your disk quota. If CPanel says your disk quota is OK then your host's server is full and they will need to either delete some things (accounts?) or upgrade the hard drive to more space.
