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Full Version: Need some ideas...
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Hello everyone. I need some ideas for a forum, I have one, that I am about to buy a domain for, but it only hs around 7 active members, that aren't really that active. So I am looking for a good forum topic...
Well what are your interests? We could recommend a lot of things but if your not interested in them I wouldn't recommend making a forum about it. Toungue
Content, Content, Content
It is difficult to get a forum that is just a forum to succeed. You need to have other things that users will sign up for and come back for. People can chat anywhere and unless you have a really good forum (with lots of activity and good members) people are not going to choose yours. I suggest something like exclusive downloads or a news section (usually separate to the forum) where you can offer something usefull to the user that you can put content relevant to the topic. A domain name is also a must and so is a nice theme.
Finally, this come into the content thing a bit but people can tell when you have put the effort into a forum and they will be more willing to join. Just installing MYBB, choosing the first theme you come accross, making a few quick categories then saying "come on everybody, come look at my forum" like everyone else does won't work.
Hope i helped Smile
(2008-07-02, 08:13 AM)_Tim Wrote: [ -> ]Content, Content, Content
It is difficult to get a forum that is just a forum to succeed. You need to have other things that users will sign up for and come back for. People can chat anywhere and unless you have a really good forum (with lots of activity and good members) people are not going to choose yours. I suggest something like exclusive downloads or a news section (usually separate to the forum) where you can offer something usefull to the user that you can put content relevant to the topic. A domain name is also a must and so is a nice theme.
Finally, this come into the content thing a bit but people can tell when you have put the effort into a forum and they will be more willing to join. Just installing MYBB, choosing the first theme you come accross, making a few quick categories then saying "come on everybody, come look at my forum" like everyone else does won't work.
Hope i helped Smile

Yeah, I usually spend atleast 2 days making everything good, set up, installing new skins and mods and such.
I don't think it's a good idea to make a forum unless you have a specific goal in mind.

IMO, "general" discussion forums are wastes of time and just about nobody joins them. You need to have a main topic that is a bit niche. For example, my forum, is about the toy hobby Beyblade. There are very few sites about Beyblade and mine is the most complete and most active. This is the only reason my forum succeeds.

If you don't already have a concept that requires you to open a forum, perhaps opening a forum is not for you. What are you passionate about?
Lots of good points already made. You definitely need to try and provide something that other sites in the same niche are not providing or not doing a very good job of providing. It has to be something you have a genuine interest in yourself in my opinion. Otherwise maintaining it and writing content/news is going to be a real bore for you which will reflect in the quality of your site and content.