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Full Version: [F] Creating user group promotion
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Having some problems with the new group promotion area. I am able to successfully create a new promotion, but when I go back into the promotion to view it, half of the selections are gone. For instance the highlighted promotion requirements. None of the three are highlighted anymore. Also, I have selected 6 months for the amount of registered time, but when I go back in, it is listed as 6 hours.

Finally, the task is not being run at the time I have selected in the task manager. Even when I choose to run it now. Maybe cause it's not saving properly in group promotions? It's all still new to me, so I don't know if I'm missing a step.
The task will only be run at that time if there's someone viewing the forum at that time... otherwise, there's nothing to trigger the task.
Nothing to trigger the task? It's set to go off every 20 minutes...and my point is that the settings aren't being saved, so the task can't run anyway. But you're saying that someone has to visit the forum for the group promotions to run? Why on earth was it programmed like that? What about me when I visit the forum? Sorry, but that doesn't make any sense at all. What's the point of a task if it will only run if someone is visiting the forum??
Um, hold your horses, I think Justin misspoke.
Judel, when you say you went to go "view" it, this is in the edit promotion page? If so, I cannot reproduce any of your problems.
Yes, after creating the new promotion, I would go back into that promotion to edit, and all the selections had dropped off that I had chosen...and the task I had created won't run. It's supposed to advance members to different levels, right? Well, it's not doing what I'm telling it to do. So on two levels, it isn't working. I don't know why you can't recreate it. Have you tried it on my beta forum?

edit: also, I just checked the promotion logs. The only thing in there is me having my secondary group promoted to Super Mod. I didn't set that up. Did you?

edit again: Justin apparently didn't misspeak, by the way. It does seem that the tasks will only run if someone has visited the forum. I can only shake my head in wonder at the logic behind that.
(2008-07-04, 04:00 PM)judel Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, after creating the new promotion, I would go back into that promotion to edit, and all the selections had dropped off that I had chosen...and the task I had created won't run. It's supposed to advance members to different levels, right? Well, it's not doing what I'm telling it to do. So on two levels, it isn't working. I don't know why you can't recreate it. Have you tried it on my beta forum?

I'll try checking it on your forums.

(2008-07-04, 04:00 PM)judel Wrote: [ -> ]edit: also, I just checked the promotion logs. The only thing in there is me having my secondary group promoted to Super Mod. I didn't set that up. Did you?

I haven't touched your board what-so-ever.

(2008-07-04, 04:00 PM)judel Wrote: [ -> ]edit again: Justin apparently didn't misspeak, by the way. It does seem that the tasks will only run if someone has visited the forum. I can only shake my head in wonder at the logic behind that.

It would be nice if you don't make assumptions about things you don't understand so you don't make me feel like the enemy here.

Do you want it to run by magic? The only other way we can do that is by running it by a cron-job or by you directly running it via the ACP task manager. Something has to trigger the task system to run. It will run if you visit the forum too. It's exactly the same way every other board system that has a task manager works too. I've explained this plenty times before.
Thank you for your bug report.

This bug has been fixed in our internal code repository. Please note that the problem will not be fixed here until these forums are updated.
$db->write_query("CREATE TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."promotions(
		pid int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
		title varchar(120) NOT NULL default '',
		description text NOT NULL,
		enabled int(1) NOT NULL default '1',
		logging int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
		posts int NOT NULL default '0',
		posttype varchar(120) NOT NULL default '',
		registered int NOT NULL default '0',
		registeredtype varchar(2) NOT NULL default '',
		reputations int NOT NULL default '0',
		reputationtype varchar(120) NOT NULL default '',
		requirements varchar(2) NOT NULL default '',
		originalusergroup smallint NOT NULL default '0',
		newusergroup smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
		usergrouptype varchar(120) NOT NULL default '0',
 	) TYPE=MyISAM{$collation};");

That query is run during the upgrade script. Who sees what is wrong?

requirements varchar(2) NOT NULL default '',
registeredtype varchar(2) NOT NULL default '',
originalusergroup smallint NOT NULL default '0',

The limits are too small for what needs to be stored. That's why I wasn't able to reproduce it, because I was running a fresh install versus an upgrade.

I've fixed it on your forum Judel.

Also for anyone else who wants to fix this, run these queries:
ALTER TABLE mybb_promotions CHANGE requirements requirements varchar(200) NOT NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE mybb_promotions CHANGE registeredtype registeredtype varchar(20) NOT NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE mybb_promotions CHANGE originalusergroup originalusergroup varchar(120) NOT NULL default '0';

change the table prefix to your own table prefix
I was not trying to make you sound like the enemy. I just can't understand why it was set up like that. What is to trigger it? How about time? Why set the time, if it will only run if someone visits? That is the part that confuses me, and if you've explained that so many times? Well, I guess this is the first I've heard of it! Sorry I don't read every post that is made on this board!

Thanks for fixing it though, either way!
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