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Full Version: error while trying to update from beta2 to beta3
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Hi guys..
whene am trying to upgrade from beta2 to beta3
I go this error

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in D:\wamp\www\12r14\inc\class_session.php on line 291

and in MyBB Installation Wizard box there is another error.

You do not have permissions to run this process.
Both are fixed in Beta 4.
so should I just replace beta4 files and run the upgrade script? (as u noted I unable to run the upgrade script between beta2 to beta3)

Edit: tried it my self and the same result can't upgrade..
I upgraded a 1.2.14 test board to 1.4 Beta 4 board and it worked perfectly fine for me.
mmmmmm, in FF my login details are saved (thats why I got no permission error, I didn't notice the new login require feature for upgrading).. and my account in an addetional group that have the permissions to do everything like the administrator group.
but I don't think the upgrade proccess give this usergroupe as the admin group.
so I'll have to move my account to the admins group and test again.
Edit: the same happen even with an user from admin usergroup. and I tried to remove the content of data_cache table and the same.
and there is the same error for class_session.php in line 290 instead of line 291
php version 5.2.5
It checks your usergroup permissions for 'cancp' == 1 or 'yes' which means check for permissions to access the admin cp.
yes I can see that in upgrade.php in line #198
but I don't think that the class_session.php pass the usergroup permissions correctly to the upgrade Process. thats why it's told me I have no permissions.
and the error thats appear (Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in D:\wamp\www\12r14\inc\class_session.php on line 290)
that made me sure that the problem is in the class_session.php
No, it works just fine
so, what do you think it's cuase the problem for me?
here is some details you may need. (if you need more let me know)
Apache 2.2.6
MySql 5.0.45
php 5.2.5 and am using mysqli engine.