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Full Version: Has anyone successfully implemented Cookie AND Session Login
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I know this in not implemented into the current mybb (1.2), but I was just wondering if anyone has successfully added Session to the current Cookie authentication.

We get an unbelievable amount of complaints of users not being able to login to our site. (I have integrated the forum with the rest of the site).

I have been trying to hack a few files to get them to read from the current session table, with no success....its driving me nuts!!

These are the files I think need to be hacked;
- member.php (need to get this to add the password to mybb_sessions
- class_session.php (need to get this to add the uid and password to mybb_sessions)

This should then load user using session data rather than cookie data if cookie does not exists.

Will this I on the right track???
OK, I've got a little further with this.

If I make the following if statement in 'class_session.php'

// Attempt to find a session id in the cookies.
$this->sid = $db->escape_string($_COOKIE['sid']);

Something like the following;

// Attempt to find a session id in the cookies.
$this->sid = $db->escape_string($_COOKIE['sid']);
//if cookies are not enabled then get session id
$this->sid = $_SESSION['nocookies'];

Then it works! I tested this by manually setting the sid to whatever it was in the database at the time.

The problem is, I set the session Id within the do_login procedure, but by the time the page refreshes and performs class_session, my session variable has already been cleared?

Any ideas??
Still no luck with this, I can get it to login using sessions, (I had to create another table), but it's not very stable. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but most time it takes 3 attempts to login....WHY???? I'm not sure!

I can safely say, this will be the LAST time I use myBB. Support for Sessions is appalling!

You can't even create sessions variables to pass between pages, because something is clearing them (which I cannot find!)

It's totally ignorant to expect all users to have cookies turned on!

I am looking for alternatives at the moment, spent WAY too much time trying to get this to work!
Sessions mostly use cookies anyway, and having session strings in URLs is:
1) Ugly
2) Inconvenient and dagerous if users want to copy+paste the URLs
3) Also poses a security risk for those who screenshot (session hijacking)

(BTW, if you didn't realize, PHP sessions USE cookies, unless you explicitly specify it to use URL strings in the INI file)

I can safely say that 99% of websites over the internet require cookies for authentication purposes, and many rely on them for other reasons apart from authentication (for example, you need cookies enabled to download anything from FileFront).
I really don't know anyone who doesn't have cookies enabled. There's little reason not to enable them, unless you're a total privacy nut, but then, in that case, you probably shouldn't be using the internet (your IP is more valuable >_>).

Everyone uses cookies, deal with it.

I'd also like to point out that if YOU cannot get a modification working, it's not our fault in any way.

If you want to develop this, I suggest looking at any place that references $_COOKIE (I think you only need to concern yourself with is inc/class_session.php), patch up the my_setcookie/my_unsetcookie functions in inc/functions.php, and write a parser to parse all relevant links on the page to include the session URL parameter (inc/functions.php - output_page function).
That's exactly what I've been telling the client, they won't buy it.

I guess I'll just have to be a little more persuasive
Oh, I see.

Hahaha. Toungue