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Full Version: [F] Problem in adding subforum
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I've just installed Mybb 1.4 Beta 4.
In standart installation there are one category and one forum.
So, I've renamed forum 'My forum' to 'Newsy' and I tryied to add subforum to them. After submit, I've got this problem:
Quote:SQL Error:
1364 - Field 'parentlist' doesn't have a default value
INSERT INTO forum_forums (name,description,linkto,type,pid,disporder,active,open,allowhtml,allowmycode,allowsmilies,allowimgcode,allowpicons,allowtratings,usepostcounts,password,showinjump,modposts,modthreads,mod_edit_posts,modattachments,style,overridestyle,rulestype,rulestitle,rules,defaultdatecut,defaultsortby,defaultsortorder) VALUES ('Sportowe','description','','f','2','1','1','1','0','1','1','1','1','1','1','','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','','','0','','')

PHP 5, MySQL 5, Apache2.
So, this is script bug or my server?

It seems work fine for me.

Do you have re-upload the file admin/modules/forum/managment.php ?

Also, in the above file, have this line of code in that ?

			$parentlist = make_parent_list($fid);
			$db->update_query("forums", array("parentlist" => $parentlist), "fid='$fid'");

Yup. I have wrote in above post, that this is "clean" install.
			$fid = $db->insert_query("forums", $insert_array);
			$parentlist = make_parent_list($fid);
			$db->update_query("forums", array("parentlist" => $parentlist), "fid='$fid'");
			$inherit = $mybb->input['default_permissions'];
Hi, Thanks,

Can you run this command on a mysql console or phpmysqladmin
to see what's the current mode of MySql server.

mysql> select @@global.sql_mode;
mysql> select @@session.sql_mode;

If this is non-empty.
Please try change it by,

mysql> set global sql_mode = '';

Thank you for your bug report.

This bug has been fixed in our internal code repository. Please note that the problem will not be fixed here until these forums are updated.
This should work; It goes in admin/modules/forum/