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Full Version: Forum ID? ( portal Q )
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First off, I see this software becoming better and more widely used than PHPBB in a year or so.Im loving this board! Features included when usually they require being installed separately.Nice!

Anyway, on to the question(s)

1.) When using portal.php as the starting point for your site, you'll want to add in announcements.I read in one post that you need to insert the FID so they show up on the portal page.What is FID and how do I find it?

2.) When using some themes, they supply a link from the forum, to the HOME ( portal ) like 'frostbite' theme.
With others, either no such link, or it is linked to the forum, therefore being redundant.How can I change this to have it go to the portal from the forum.

Thanks in advance Smile
smr Wrote:1.) When using portal.php as the starting point for your site, you'll want to add in announcements.I read in one post that you need to insert the FID so they show up on the portal page.What is FID and how do I find it?
Go to index.php and go to the forum you want to include the annoucements from. In the url, find the fid=number and remember/write down the number. Go to Admin CP > Board Settings > Change > Portal Settings > First input feild > Type the number of the forum

smr Wrote:2.) When using some themes, they supply a link from the forum, to the HOME ( portal ) like 'frostbite' theme.
With others, either no such link, or it is linked to the forum, therefore being redundant.How can I change this to have it go to the portal from the forum.
Admin CP > Templates > Modify/Delete > *template that does have the link* > toplinks, toplinks_member, toplinks_admin, and add/edit the link as needed.
Thanks a bunch!
Easy enough from your explanation.Thank you for making it clear Wink

Quick edit:
There it was right in front of my face as on all boards - DUH! fid=#
I hate when it's that easy LOL
Another quick question,
Is it possible to get from two FID?
Say I have 2 forums from which I want to go to the portal, can that be done?
MM made a mod for this I believe. You can find it somewhere at
Thank you for the link and info.
Im finding this softwar eso much better than PHPBB2
Cant wait for GOLD to be released!
1.0, not Gold Toungue And yes, MyBB 1.0 is definaly in the top 3! vB, IPB, MyBB
My bad.I saw so much talk from searching about GOLD I figured that was what it would be called.Though I must say it kept reminding me of YABB as they had yabb GOLD.

In any case, this board blows away PHPBB2 in so many ways.
smr Wrote:My bad.I saw so much talk from searching about GOLD I figured that was what it would be called.Though I must say it kept reminding me of YABB as they had yabb GOLD.

In any case, this board blows away PHPBB2 in so many ways.

MyBB 1.0 used to be called MyBB Gold, but we've changed it to 1.0. I don't remember the reason why.
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