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Full Version: [suggestion] Portal as Index?
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After installing this board and finding how much more it is to that of PHPBB2, this is the next board to be at the top.
One thing I have done, and seen other ask about in modding, is wanting the portal to be the index page.
Would it be possible, or even wanted by most, to have 1.0 have the portal page as the index?
When I put in my URL, I have it start with the portal.It's there, might as well use it as it should be.For me, I dont see having the board itself be the starting point, and having the portal as an option to use or view.

If this doesnt seem like a good idea to have as default, could there be an option when installing to be able to pick whether the board or portal is used as the indexing page?

Just an idea Smile
I agree

Like have a conditional where needed to see if the portal system is on and if so display code to have portal as the index.php
Not sure how it could be done, maybe have two seperate downloads that differ?
One is a regular forum download, the other stating that the index will be the portal rather than the index of the forum.Though having two downloads might be Unnesessary.
My feeling is, if it has a portal, might as well use it as the starting point.
Not that it isnt hard to make the portal the index, as manyhave done, just make it more easy for thos who dont know much about coding, or feel intimidated by altering files.