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Full Version: Can't restore from database backup
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OK, I'm having to switch hosts so I have followed the instructions in the tutorial How to change hosts successfully. All went well until I got to the point of importing my backup.

Now, in my version of phpMyAdmin (, there isn't any text file import on the SQL tab but there is an Import tab which does allow me to load a text file. So, I select my backup by browsing to it, I leave the character set to the default utf8 and set SQL compatibility mode to MYSQL40 though the MySQL version as reported is actually 5.0.42.

On hitting Go, it appears to create the table called mybb_adminlog but then stops with the message:
MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). (Query took 0.0033 sec)

Can you advise me on what to do next? I have worked out how to drop the table so I can start over again but I need to resolve why it is falling over and not importing everything else.


Could you open the MySQL database backup file and tell me what is in it?

D'oh! Should have checked that. WinZIP reports that it is an invalid archive directory and the fact that it is 1k in size should have told me that it is empty.

So, the problem appears not to be with the database import but the database from the live system. I do a Select All to select all the tables, set file type to GZIP, set to Download, backup Structure and Data and Analyze and Optimize.

I had a flash of inspiration and decided to do the backup from IE7 instead of FF3 and it worked. I got a backup (478k) which imports successfully and now reports:

Import has been successfully finished, 1713 queries executed.

I retried the database backup under Firefox 3.0.1 and, again, an empty backup file. So, it appears to be a browser issue and nothing to do with the importing of a correctly backed-up database.

I've now hit a further issue but I think that should be the subject of a separate post once I've done a bit more investigating.

Thanks. (Should I leave this 'as is' or raise another post in the bug report board about FF3 producing empty backup sets?)

Please report it in bug report forums.
