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Full Version: Discuss: MyBB RC4 Security Update [16/08/05]
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thanks... safe again...
Thnx And We Sorry About Deleted Topics .. So So So So Sorry
I Think Its Not Me .. And Its Not HACKERS PAL .. AND Its Not ABDUCTER

be more safe .. with us .. we ar only security geeks Wink
jsut updated

hmmm...tried to manually patch but could find the line - $sid = intval($sid); - in search.php I'm looking in the right file?

any ideas?
I couldn't either =/

So I just uploaded the newer version =D
It's line 15 in search.php - should be easy to find Smile

Quote:hmmm...tried to manually patch but could find the line - $sid = intval($sid); - in search.php I'm looking in the right file?

any ideas?

You don't have a previous security update installed. Please download the main release from the website and replace all of the files on your site with the files in it with the exception of inc/config.php and inc/settings.php
One of my mybb forums recently lost all of the announcments mysteriously and I started to get an sql error. Out of 43 mybb tables, I was left with 37 only. Did it happen to this security problem?
Twice in the last few days, I have received an email from my own Mybb and it reads like this:

A user has tried to access the Administration Control Panel for MyBB
Demo Forums. They were unable to succeed in doing so.
Below are the login details:

Username: \\\' or 1=1 /*
Password: (MD5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e)

IP Address:

Users beware. I'll bet I'm not the only one.
I've had this as well. Only a different IP. If you've patched your MyBB, I don't think there's a problem.
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