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Full Version: [dev*][1.4] Youtube VideoBox'
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I am just finishing this off. I am trying to make it really good. For an uncomplete sneak peak, have a look at the link below.
Time for an update. Everything is finished and completed. I am just giving it final checks iver etc. before releasing. Heres a list of features...

- Smaller Video (Better Quality)
- Boxified (Custom box, change to your colours!)
- Titles! (Input the Video title, leads to Youtube page)

A few things I wanted to do...
- Prebuilt colours in Settings Menu (May develop and release a later stage)

As you can see this is not like all the other Youtube BBCode Mods, this is Youtube VideoBox'

Developed by MyBB Workshop..

Friend told me to bump this due to the double post merger.
Features and demo are above!
Looks pretty!

but I believe theres a setting to change the width and height, right?
I will probably be expanding it a little more before the release. I am determined to get a settings menu up. So i'll try include it, as right now you'd have to change it in the plugin file.

Thanks for the suggestion!