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Full Version: Upgrade Problem (1.2.14 to 1.4)
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I tried to upgrade, i deactivated all plugins but when upgrade it says 5 plugins are still activated. when i go to first step (Integer Conversion Project), it stops and don't do something .

What's my problem and how can i solve it ?


It will do that when you click continue, even after it tells you that you have plugins active. It just shuts down basically. Try adding a backup, and disabling them again. The plugin tables are still active in your SQL, which is producing the error.
Your mean is activate and deactivate plugins again ?
(2008-08-09, 10:34 PM)jimbo47 Wrote: [ -> ]It will do that when you click continue, even after it tells you that you have plugins active. It just shuts down basically. Try adding a backup, and disabling them again. The plugin tables are still active in your SQL, which is producing the error.

where is the plugin tables in db ?
Oh, I don't know that answer Toungue I just know why its doing it, haha sorry.
Please help.
What version of MySQL are you using, just curious.
Solved, but now I've this error :

Integer Conversion Project

MyBB is now currently converting a section of data to the new format, this may take a while.

polls: Converting column type

Fatal error: [SQL] [144] Table './db_mybb/mybb_posts' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
SELECT COUNT(pid) AS count FROM mybb_posts in /var/www/vhosts/site/subdomains/forum/httpdocs/mybb/inc/db_mysql.php on line 544
Please help.
You'll have to try to repair the table using phpMyAdmin. If that doesn't work, please contact your host to repair it.

Upgrade successfully done.