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Full Version: email doesn't work?
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alright.. im just tryin to get mybb going, and everything seems to be working fine, but like whenever its supposed to send out an email, it doesn't... i don't know know if there was supposed to be some special step or something, but like when you subscribe to a topic.. and somone replys, it doesn't send out the email, or it was set up so you had to activate your account when you sign up, and that email wouldn't get sent out either.. i checkd the bulk mail folder and everything, seens how the email i got from here went to it. but some help on this would be nice, i like the subscribe feature.

link to forum..
Are you hosting your own site? Or what host do you use?
yes, i am hosting it myself.. on an apache webserver.
Can you check that the PHP mail() function works correctly on your server? (eg. sendmail is setup, or whatever needs to be configured)
Create a script, mail.php, with this in it
$email = "[b]your email[/b]";
$t = mail($email,"hello","does this send?");

if($t) {
echo "sent";
} else {
echo "not sent";

change it to you email, and go to the script to run it, and tell use two things:

* What did it echo?
* Did the email ever reach you?
hmm.. when i opend it with i.e. it echod not sent.. and as of now.. about 30 secs later. i haven't gotten any email..

i have no clue how to configure the PHP mail or anything.. i don't know too much about php at all really.
Ok. It looks as if php's mail functions arn't active/installed. Google around. You'll find some good tutorials on setting up certain parts. I remember having to do it once Big Grin
lol.. yea.. i think i have an idea of what i have to do.. im messing with it a lil, but basically when that mail.php code echos sent, and i get an email.. the forum should work as well?
ahh i can't figure this out.. and i don't know where else to ask, lol. so i figured i would ask here...
but its on windows and in the php.ini file i set the smtp to something like that, don't remember, but thats what gmail said there smtp server was. and then put the sendmail_from to [email protected] which is my email from them. and it doesn't work. i tried changed the smtp_port to what what its set to when i use gmail with outlook.. and still nothing.. and thats all that i have found to do... am i gonna have to like start my own email server or something? that would be a pain. but yea.. any ideas?
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