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Full Version: Problem with template
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First off, Id like to say hi Smile and Id like to thank all of you for making this style of a forum... This is what I have been wanting for a long time. And I couldnt thank you all more. I just hoped for a template installation as easy as phpbb.. So i am having some problems:

The theme is found]Here

I replaced everything where its supposed to go, but I cant get the theme on the forum lol. If someone could please give me a whole overview on how to install it, id really appretiate it. this is the theme ive been wanting for a long long while.

OK, I got a good bit of it, but I have errors and stuff that doesnt show uo. Like the table thats supposed to be at the top. Here is the link to my forum:

If someone could just help me out from there on.

OK after working with it alittle more, now all I get for an error, when I click the forum is

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/uounlimi/public_html/board/inc/languages/english/global.lang.php:265) in /home/uounlimi/public_html/board/inc/functions.php on line 855

but my line 855 on funtions.php is:
setcookie($name, $value, $expires, $mybb->settings['cookiepath']);

What do I do?

And I also still dont see the purple table at the top.
In the file <mybb_root>inc/languages/english/global.lang.php, please remove any white space before the <?php tag and after the ?> tag.
I did that. now whats in the file is

$l['redirect_width'] = "50%";
$l['lastvisit_never'] = "Never";
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$l['welcome_pms_usage'] = "(New {1}, Unread {2}, Total {3})";
$l['welcome_back'] = "<strong>Welcome back, {1}</strong>. You last visited: {2}";
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$l['sticky_prefix'] = "<strong>Sticky:</strong>";
$l['poll_prefix'] = "Poll:";
$l['announcement_prefix'] = "<strong>Announcement:</strong>";
$l['forumbit_forum'] = "Forum";
$l['forumbit_threads'] = "Threads";
$l['forumbit_posts'] = "Posts";
$l['forumbit_lastpost'] = "Last Post";
$l['forumbit_moderated_by'] = "Moderated By:";
$l['new_posts'] = "Forum Contains New Posts";
$l['no_new_posts'] = "Forum Contains No New Posts";
$l['forum_locked'] = "Forum is Locked";
$l['lastpost_never'] = "Never";
$l['by'] = "by";
$l['more_subforums'] = "and {1} more";
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$l['month_12'] = "December";
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$l['thursday'] = "Thursday";
$l['friday'] = "Friday";
$l['saturday'] = "Saturday";
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$l['remove_attachment'] = "Remove";
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$l['new_attachment'] = "New Attachment:";
$l['add_attachment'] = "Add Attachment";
$l['post_preview'] = "Post Preview";
$l['change_user'] = "change user";
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$l['no_post_icon'] = "no icon";
$l['today'] = "Today";
$l['yesterday'] = "Yesterday";
$l['error'] = "Board Message";
$l['multipage_pages'] = "Pages ({1}):";
$l['multipage_last'] = "Last";
$l['multipage_first'] = "First";
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$l['small'] = "Small";
$l['medium'] = "Medium";
$l['large'] = "Large";
$l['largest'] = "Largest";
$l['color'] = "Color";
$l['white'] = "White";
$l['black'] = "Black";
$l['red'] = "Red";
$l['yellow'] = "Yellow";
$l['pink'] = "Pink";
$l['green'] = "Green";
$l['orange'] = "Orange";
$l['purple'] = "Purple";
$l['blue'] = "Blue";
$l['beige'] = "Beige";
$l['brown'] = "Brown";
$l['teal'] = "Teal";
$l['navy'] = "Navy";
$l['maroon'] = "Maroon";
$l['lime_green'] = "Lime Green";
$l['alt_bold'] = "Insert BOLD text";
$l['alt_italic'] = "Insert ITALIC text";
$l['alt_underline'] = "Insert UNDERLINED text";
$l['alt_left'] = "Align text to the left";
$l['alt_center'] = "Align text to the center";
$l['alt_right'] = "Align text to the right";
$l['alt_justify'] = "Justify text";
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$l['alt_bulletlist'] = "Insert bulleted list";
$l['alt_image'] = "Insert image";
$l['alt_hyperlink'] = "Insert hyperlink";
$l['alt_email'] = "Insert email address";
$l['alt_quote'] = "Insert quoted text";
$l['alt_code'] = "Insert formatted code";
$l['alt_php'] = "Insert formatted PHP code";
$l['normal_mode'] = "Normal Mode";
$l['advanced_mode'] = "Advanced Mode";
$l['close_tags'] = "close tags";
$l['b_prompt'] = "Please enter the text to be formatted in bold.";
$l['i_prompt'] = "Please enter the text to be formatted in italics";
$l['u_prompt'] = "Please enter the text to be underlined.";
$l['font_prompt'] = "Please enter the text to be formatted with the font tag.";
$l['size_prompt'] = "Please enter the text to be formatted with the size tag.";
$l['color_prompt'] = "Please enter the text to be formatted with the color tag.";
$l['align_prompt'] = "Please enter the text to be aligned.";
$l['quote_prompt'] = "Please enter the text to be quoted.";
$l['code_prompt'] = "Please enter the code to be treated as code and unformatted text.";
$l['php_prompt'] = "Please enter the code to be trated as PHP code.";
$l['quote'] = "Quote:";
$l['wrote'] = "Wrote:";
$l['code'] = "Code:";
$l['php_code'] = "PHP Code:";
$l['at'] = "at";
$l['na'] = "N/A";
$l['guest'] = "Guest";
$l['unknown'] = "Unknown";
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$l['unread_reports'] = "Moderator Notice: There are {1} unread reported posts.";
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$l['hours'] = "Hours";
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$l['attach_quota'] = "You are currently using <strong>{1}</strong> of your allocated attachment usage ({2})";
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$l['size_gb'] = "GB";
$l['size_mb'] = "MB";
$l['size_kb'] = "KB";
$l['size_bytes'] = "bytes";
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$l['edit_options'] = "edit options";
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$l['go_back'] = "go back";

And it didnt make any change.
Have you modified any other MyBB file?