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Full Version: OOPS!? Deny recipient was clicked!
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I was too click happy and in a PM I got, I clicked deny recipient.
What all does that mean and can I undo it?
Was it "Deny receipt"?

A receipt is sent to you if the person who sent the PM to you wants to see if you have read it or not. If you deny receipt, you're just not acknowledging to the other person that you have read that PM. You can't really undo it, but you can send a PM back saying that you've read their PM Wink
Ok, thats what it said.I thought it was like blocking someone from PMing you.
I clicked so fact I really didnt see it.
Thanks for the heads up!
It not fatal to your account or the PM system. You could deny receipts to every pm and you'd still be able to send and receive pms Big Grin I do it every so often. The receipts are used in the PM tracking page.