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Full Version: [B] mycode and bad words didn't applied as well
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Hi all.
1st this bug effect all the new mycodes/badwords that have been added after upgrade to mybb 1.4
but all mycodes/badwords that were added before the upgrade filtred as well.

as example
I have added the following badword
and the replacement is **
but this code
still appear in my forum posts. than I tried the following in mycode
Regular Expression
and the replacement just $1

but still the same no effect on the posts
I double check that the mycode, and badwords cache has been updated
and the mycode / badwords tables in mysql have been updated too..
You can't use the badwords for MyCode... It simply was not designed to work for something it's not.

Any btw, your pregex is wrong. forward slashes need to be escaped too.
thanks about the info for the badword parser.
for the pregex I'll try to correct it..