As far as I can tell, there is no way to remove a posting suspension on a user once it has been added by the warning level system. If this is correct, it is a giant oversight on the part of the MyBB team. If there is something I am missing, I apologize. Please inform me how to remove a suspension on a user.
At this point, I really need to do it. Even an SQL query will suffice.
UPDATE mybb_users SET suspendposting='0', suspensiontime='0' WHERE uid='x' LIMIT 1;
where x is the id of the user.
I agree that this has been oversighted, however I don't think it's a huge oversight. By default there aren't any warning levels. If there are warning levels, they'd have to first be created by an admin and also be set to 'post suspension' with a value high enough to cause a problem. Then, a moderator or an admin would have to warn a user enough to cause that suspension, then want to revoke it.
As you can see, there is a lot in the process that would have to go a certain way for this to even be a problem, so I don't think this is a huge oversight (we're not perfect). But yes, it should be fixed.
I disagree that this is not a huge oversight. There are so many logical reasons that an administrator would have to revoke a warning, whether it be an apology, a misunderstanding as to the situation, or stranger situations such as my probationary concept.
Unnecessary comments removed. -ZiNgA BuRgA
I hope there will be a fix for this available in 1.4.2 (which, considering all the corrected files, I would hope is released soon). Thanks.
(2008-09-10, 12:50 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Unnecessary comments removed. -ZiNgA BuRgA
Please don't take it upon yourself to declare what is necessary for me to say and what isn't. Refer to them as "inappropriate" if you must.
(2008-09-10, 12:50 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ] (2008-09-10, 12:50 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Unnecessary comments removed. -ZiNgA BuRgA
Please don't take it upon yourself to declare what is necessary for me to say and what isn't. Refer to them as "inappropriate" if you must.
As staff members it is apart of our jobs to moderate these forums, whether or not you like it - you signed that agreement when you registered on these forums
(2008-09-10, 04:34 AM)Ryan Gordon Wrote: [ -> ] (2008-09-10, 12:50 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ] (2008-09-10, 12:50 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Unnecessary comments removed. -ZiNgA BuRgA
Please don't take it upon yourself to declare what is necessary for me to say and what isn't. Refer to them as "inappropriate" if you must.
As staff members it is apart of our jobs to moderate these forums, whether or not you like it - you signed that agreement when you registered on these forums
Its ticked, not signed. But agreed, if moderators don't moderate the forums, they would be strip off from their rank, isn't that so?
Your comments helps us in absolutely no way, neither does it help you, which, by definition (to my standards at least) is unnecessary (if the term "inappropriate" makes you happier, then feel free to imagine it that way). If you disagree, I'm more than happy to take you up on an offer to discuss this privately.
Anyway, this attempts to resolve this issue (replace your warnings.php with the one attached). There are a few minor problems with this however:
1) It won't revoke bans - these can be done manually anyway. The reason for not doing it is that it's difficult to determine whether a ban was issued manually, or by a warning
2) If you have set up levels like, for example:
30% -> suspend posting for 1 hour
60% -> suspend posting indefinitely
revoking a warning which reduces the level from 70% to 40% will keep the user in suspension, however, it will expire in 1 hour. The reason is because it's difficult to determine when the "1 hour" should be measured from.
Could you, or someone else please double check that these fixes work as expected?
Zinga, I'll check out the file to make sure it works later today.
Also, I would actually like to discuss some things with you via PM.
I'm guessing this works fine, so this change has been committed.
Thank you for your bug report.
This bug has been fixed in our internal code repository. Please note that the problem will not be fixed here until these forums are updated.
This fix is not present in the branch.