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Full Version: styles/themes vanished & 404 errors on upgrade
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Hi folks,

I upgraded from 1.2.13 to 1.4 with what appeared to be flawless execution. When I restarted my forum, the styles were missing and I was getting 404 errors when clicking even the login button. The threads seem to work ok.
First problems first, how do I fix the theme problems? I noticd a similar thread but it seemed the poster figured out the problem without posting what worked.

I chmodded the cache files as that thread indicated without result.



The Technologist
(2008-09-19, 01:48 AM)technologist Wrote: [ -> ]Hi folks,

I upgraded from 1.2.13 to 1.4 with what appeared to be flawless execution. When I restarted my forum, the styles were missing and I was getting 404 errors when clicking even the login button. The threads seem to work ok.
First problems first, how do I fix the theme problems? I noticd a similar thread but it seemed the poster figured out the problem without posting what worked.

I chmodded the cache files as that thread indicated without result.



The Technologist

take a look to my post.
maybe its the same

folow the last steps
Maybe The problem is in the settings (duplicate information )
just import the Default MyBB Theme.................
Rolleyes I should start saving responses on my computer and copying and pasting them into here.

Make sure the path to your forum and the path to your images are correct.
Thanks very much, duplicate settings was the problem.

Unfortunately in my case *all* settings are duplicated. Some even triple, with no option to remove.
Sounds like a f'd installation. Can anyone tell me: do I do a clean reinstall or try to remove all duplicate settings?
I had the option to delete the duplicate settings in the ACP but nobody else seems to have that.

A fresh install will probably be easier. Be careful of settings.php and config.php, and any plugin/theme files though.
I've eliminated all duplicate settings and the problem still persists...
Just save the settings page... literally open it and just click save.
The latest version is hell..
1.4.0 to 1.4.1 created duplicate settings groups (i.e. Board Status and General Configuration etc etc was there twice) and now we have double settings themselves... I knew something was up when going from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2 when it said on a page of the upgrader 'Inserting 171 new settings into 0 new settings groups', or something like that... right then I knew there was a problem.

And the version itself is fine, just the upgrade process is broken.
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