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Full Version: Can't insert smilies
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I can't insert smilies into posts. They appear on the post new reply/new thread page and are shown to link somewhere if you hover your mouse over it. Yet if you click on them, nothing happens.

Can anyone help?

You've edited your postbit templates wrong, you've put them both in one rather than replacing the code from one with the other.

And make sure the postbit your settings say you will view is what you want.
I've 'fixed' the user details a bit. I've reverted them to original. Not the way I wanted, but it doesn't look bad now either. Do you know what the code is to include user posts? There are codes like {$post['usertitle']}

I tried putting in 'userposts' and 'user_posts' but it doesn't work.


Also, anyone know what's up with the smilies?


Also, the 'Next newest/next oldest' function.... which template does it stay in? In front of and at the end of the text it says  (so: « Next Oldest | Next Newest »)... I want to fix that. Suggestions where to look?

Can you post the link and a test account?

Next newest/next oldest are in the "showthread" template:
					<strong>&laquo; <a href="{$next_oldest_link}">{$lang->next_oldest}</a> | <a href="{$next_newest_link}">{$lang->next_newest}</a> &raquo;</strong>
(2008-09-19, 06:02 PM)DennisTT Wrote: [ -> ]Can you post the link and a test account?

I've sent you a PM.

Good to know it's a related problem. I thought they were separate problems. This topic is resolved. Your suggestion to change it manually didn't work though. Sad