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Full Version: Admin panel works after upgrade but the forum doesn't
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Shouldn't have started upgrading after staying up the whole night until morning... there's probably an obvious solution to this, but I just can't see it.

I upgraded from 1.2.13 to 1.4.2. I manually deleted all the extra plugins from the plugins folder. I can log in to my forum admin panel just fine but the index page of the actual forum says
Quote:MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1146 - Table 'theplent_forums.mybb_mybb_users' doesn't exist
SELECT uid, username, birthday FROM mybb_mybb_users WHERE birthday LIKE '23-9-%'

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Smile

//ETA: By accessing individual forum pages (thanks to Google) it appears that the forum is working, but the templates/styles are all messed up.
I had this problem on a test board I had running 1.2.13...

Although mine didn't work < at all >, not even random pages - try logging into the ACP and re-uploading the original skin package... (from /install/resources/mybb_theme.xml)

The problem seems to be with the database though, an extra prefix seems to be added on (unless you planned it that way). You could try and go through the database removing the first mybb_ from each table if the above doesn't work...
Yeah it's the double prefix I think.
You have some 1.2.x plugins which aren't compatible with MyBB 1.4.x. You should remove all 1.2.x plugins and see if you can get updated plugins at
I can't remove the double prefix from the database because it doesn't exist there. (That's what the error says anyway, right? I also checked the database and couldn't find it.)

The only files I have in the plugin folder at the moment are the akismet.php, hello.php and index.html that came with the updated script. Should I (can I?) remove them as well?
In that case you have some files which haven't been completely updated to 1.4.x. Make sure you have downloaded the entire 1.4.2 package from and uploaded all the files.
You have 1.2x plugins running. Possibly something related to birthdays?
The only plugins I have are Akismet (1.2) and Hello World! (1.0) which came with the 1.4 package - and they aren't even activated at the moment. I also downloaded and uploaded the whole 1.4.2.
I've spent the whole day uploading and overwriting and reuploading and I'm finally getting some results. Big Grin *all crossables crossed* I have to build my theme from scratch, but at least I'm not getting those errors anymore (except for the plugins, which I'll probably need to delete or replace anyway). Thank you for all the suggestions, folks! Smile

(This was my first MyBB upgrade ever. I sure hope the next ones won't be as difficult!)

Oh, and I noticed the "All other previous versions (MyBB 1.2 and earlier)" link in the upgrade package's readme file doesn't lead to anywhere. I had to find the instructions from the wiki before I noticed I had done some unnecessary steps during my first attempt.