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Full Version: Could some explain something to me!
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I have this mod that a member gave me for windows servers running mybb. The person who gave it to me does not come here anymore and the email address is dead...

My problem....

I have a config file that says....

	/* constant system paths */

	define ( 'URL_IMG', '/spell/img/' );
	define ( 'URL_JSF', '/spell/java/' );
	define ( 'URL_CSS', '/spell/css/' );
	define ( 'URL_APP', '/spell/' );

	/* constant database options */

	define ( 'DB_DN', 'db_name' ); // your mybb database forum name
	define ( 'DB_TS', 'sessions_table' ); // your sessions table name
	define ( 'DB_CU', 'user_id' ); // the session table column USER (should be 'uid')
	define ( 'DB_TU', 'spell' ); // your table name for the user spelling options (see DB.SQL)
	define ( 'DB_SA', 'spellcheck' ); // your spell checking array name (no need to edit, unless you are using 'spellcheck' as a KEY in $mybb->user[KEY];)
	define ( 'DB_HM', 'sid' ); // the column name in the session table that holds the session id or hash (same as $_COOKIE['sid'])

I am having trouble understanding the database options. This is my test install ./inc/config.php options...

$config['database'] = "bb";
$config['table_prefix'] = "db_";

So I setup the config file for the mod like this...

	define ( 'DB_DN', 'bb' );
	define ( 'DB_TS', 'sessions' );
	define ( 'DB_CU', 'uid' );
	define ( 'DB_TU', 'spell' );
	define ( 'DB_SA', 'spellcheck' );
	define ( 'DB_HM', 'sid' );

When I run the mod it says....

1. MYSQL ERROR table 'sessions' does not exist...
2. MYSQL ERROR table 'spell' does not exist...

(2) errors were found, * table exists *. Please make sure you have included the * PREFIX * in ( 'DB_TS', 'DB_TU' ) values if you are using a prefix for you db table names...

3. Dictionaries loaded (19 languages supported)
4. interface loaded (19 languages supported)
5. sessions interface is disabled until db support is fixed.


So my question....

Where do I get the * PREFIX * name, and what is it?



try to leave it blank.
Thanks for the reply...

I figured it out

$config['database'] = "bb";
$config['table_prefix'] = "db_"; // I was missing this table prefix

changed this...

    define ( 'DB_TS', 'sessions' );
    define ( 'DB_TU', 'spell' );

to this...

    define ( 'DB_TS', 'db_sessions' );
    define ( 'DB_TU', 'db_spell' );

Now it works great, it's a very nice spell checking mod! To bad it doesn't work on Linux, I guess I will have to use aspell for that. But none of the aspell based spell checkers have the MyBB Admin Panel options this one has.

Thanks again...
