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Full Version: How/where to change text decoration of links in threads?
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I have a theme which has links in the same color as text, in other words links are invisible. But i want to change only links in threads/post, not all links on forum. I hope you understand me.

I just need to know in what css file of the theme should I change that?

Thanx very much
Can someone please help, it's very important to me since I am suppose to open my forum today.
(2008-10-07, 03:05 PM)InFlames20 Wrote: [ -> ]I have a theme which has links in the same color as text, in other words links are invisible. But i want to change only links in threads/post, not all links on forum. I hope you understand me.

I just need to know in what css file of the theme should I change that?

Thanx very much
Can someone please help, it's very important to me since I am suppose to open my forum today.

i would like to know the same too...anyone?
From personal experience I don't think you can. A link is a link is a link, and I couldn't find a way to specify a different class for links in threads as for links globally.
You'll have to add additional CSS to the theme:
.post_body a { text-decoration: underline }
// etc