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Full Version: Limit signature image width
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One feature on a number of other boards is the ability to outright limit the dimensions of an image in the signature of a user.

Usually it resizes the image to not distort the board.

This would be a very nice addition to the signature settings.

This could be done by a few lines of CSS.
Well then you can manually add these "few lines of CSS" to your theme can you not? Smile
I can, but for the benefit of less capable users...

There is a how to if anyone is interested in the way i did it.
Lovely. Cant believe this hasnt been added as a standard feature in mybb tbh, its a common request . Will check your way of doing it Smile
It didnt work.
Is it meant to resize the image? Becaue I put in the code & then tried it with a large image & the image isnt showing at all.
Ahh my bad, it worked! This is great, I will use it on all the forums I build! Smile
well it won't really help you, if someone purposefully puts 2 images next to each other in the signature ^^
I took your code and modified it a little. ... works great!

Here's what I have
Code in blue is what Paradox460 added.
Code in red is what I added.
postbit_signature Wrote:<div class="signature">

<hr size="1" width="25%" align="left" />


global.css Wrote:.signature {
max-width: 950px;
max-height: 150px;

overflow: auto;

So, I didn't change much on it, but it adds a scrollbar to the sig area if the sig is oversized. example:
Feel free to add that to the comments on that post as well. Many people will find it useful.
(2008-12-20, 11:10 PM)Paradox460 Wrote: [ -> ]Feel free to add that to the comments on that post as well. Many people will find it useful.

Why not just edit your entry?
How about limiting the number of lines of text in a signature?

And number of characters per line?

If you can't specify number of lines, than how about limit characters per line and just use the maximum character limit to effectively do the same thing?

Sorry, I can't code to save my life, so I must rely on you good people for help when it comes to things I can't find already created. First post by the way, I'm happy to be a part of the community, and have fallen in love with MyBB after discovering it a couple of weeks ago. I had wanted to go vBulletin (which, by the way, can limit lines in sig), but the cost put off, and I'm glad I found this instead. It is easily a match for vB, and free to boot!
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