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Full Version: Board Statistics on my Homepage
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I want to put this Board Statistics on my Homepage, but how can I do that:

We currently have XXX members registered.
Please welcome our newest member, XXX

Thank you (MyBB version:1.00 Preview Release 2)
I have made something similar to what you want. Now its not the best piece of code in the world but it gets the job done.

The code ...

include("database.php"); 					// database information in the form of variables
$forum['url'] = "";		// the url of your forum (dont forget the trailing slash)

mysql_connect($forum['hostname'],$forum['username'],$forum['password']);	 // connects to the SQL server
mysql_select_db($forum['database']); 		// Selects the database

$query="SELECT * FROM mybb_users"; 			// the information is stored in this table
$users=mysql_query($query); 				// selects the table specifyed by the queary variable
$stats['members'] = mysql_numrows($users); 	// Number of rows in the users table -1 returns an accurate number of regestered users.
$stats['latest_member'] = mysql_result($users,$stats['members'] - 1,"username"); // Returns the latest user to regester.
$stats['id_member'] = mysql_result($users,$stats['members'] - 1,"uid"); // The id of that user

$query="SELECT * FROM mybb_threads"; 		// the information is stored in this table
$topics=mysql_query($query); 				// selects the table specifyed by the queary variable
$stats['topics'] = mysql_numrows($topics);  // The amount of topics made in the forum

$query="SELECT * FROM mybb_posts"; 			// the information is stored in this table
$posts=mysql_query($query); 				// selects the table specifyed by the queary variable
$stats['posts'] = mysql_numrows($posts);	// The amount of posts made in the forum

 if (isset($_COOKIE[mybbuser])){ 			// If the cookie is set add some more variables
	list($cookie["uid"], $cookie["loginkey"]) = explode("_", $_COOKIE[mybbuser]); // Splits the cookie value into the uid and the loginkey.
	$cookie["lastvisit"] = $_COOKIE[mybbuser]; // The time when the forum was last visited
		else {
			echo "<p>You are currently not logged in. <a href=\"" . $forum['url'] . "member.php?action=register\">Register here.</a></p>";
		} // End of ELSE	
	$query = sprintf("SELECT uid, username, loginkey FROM mybb_users WHERE uid='%s'",

	$thisuser = mysql_query($query);
	if (!$thisuser) {
		$message  = 'Invalid query: ' . mysql_error() . "\n";
		$message .= 'Whole query: ' . $query;
	} // End of IF
	while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($thisuser)) {
		if ((isset($_COOKIE[mybbuser])) && ($row['uid'] == $cookie["uid"]) && ($row['loginkey'] == $cookie["loginkey"])) {
			echo "<p>Welcome back " . $row['username'] . ".</p>";
		} // End of IF	
	} // End of While


  <p>There are <?php echo $stats['posts']; ?> posts, in <?php echo $stats['topics']; ?> topics. There are currently <?php echo $stats['members']; ?> registered members.</p>
  <p>Please welcome our newest member, <a href="<?php echo $forum['url']; ?>member.php?action=profile&uid=<?php echo $stats['id_member']; ?>"><?php echo $stats['latest_member']; ?></a>.</p>
thank you at first Wink

I have upload the script on my homepage but I think my database.php is wrong (very much errors) becaus I have copy the code of the config.php in the database.php

How have to be the code of the database.php ?

Thank you
oh yeah, sorry Toungue

$forum['hostname'] = "localhost";
$forum['username'] = "db_username";
$forum['password'] = "db_password";
$forum['database'] = "db_name";