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Full Version: [release] halloween14
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I like the bg Big Grin, it is a good theme for halloween.
nice job on this one thanks
I like the first one, maybe it should of had the trow image as a hover
I hate the orange one, its too busy and hard to read. It's too distracting.
The other one is a bit nice except the bat bars. I would make the bats a medium gray so it's easier to read the text. Also the skull background is too distracting. It looks nice, but you should darken it a bit so it's more subtle so the text is easier to read.

I gotta say, I love the on, off and offlock pics. Those are the only parts I would use from those themes. I also like the orange striped bars.

With all my criticism, you're off to a good start. Keep up the good work dude. Smile

I gotta say, with as unappealing to me as they are, they are better than a Halloween theme a friend is using for his SMF board. It is butt ugly, and has flying ghosts and bats to further annoy the user. Toungue I actually refuse to visit his forum till after Halloween so I don't need to see it.
I love this theme, its nice to see people being really creative with colours Smile
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