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While trying to post a new thread and then simply visit it i encounter this issue:
Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list
Query: SELECT t.*, t.username AS threadusername, u.username, MATCH (t.subject) AGAINST ('Depozit Materiale +++ Materials Storage') AS relevance FROM v2forumthreads t LEFT JOIN v2forumusers u ON (u.uid = t.uid) WHERE t.fid='11' AND t.tid!='4' AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND MATCH (t.subject) AGAINST ('Depozit Materiale +++ Materials Storage') >= '1' ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC LIMIT 0, 15

Any ideas what could be wrong or is it server sql problem?
Can you please log into phpMyAdmin etc. and export the table structure (not the content). Attach the exported file here.
(2008-11-14, 03:21 PM)NoRules Wrote: [ -> ]
Thanks a lot mate.
Altered table and solved the problem.

p.s. so how come such advanced version has a bug all the way back from rc2?