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Full Version: Banner width
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Something to autoset the banner width to the screen resolution, like it does to the "forum"?

Argh, this is hard to explain......i wish i had screenshots......

its like this, on some computers, the actual forum, all pages are at max width, no empty space to the browser border,
and on others, i get about 70px empty space on both sides, so the forum is thinner

this how ever doesn't applys to the banner, if i adjust the banner for the wide screens, then on the ones that leave the margins blank, the banner is too wide, and the page gets too wide for the whole screen, cuz the banner doesn't starts on the left end of the browser, but on that 70px margin, and the page gets scrollable.....
Of course this works vice versa too, only that i end up with a too small banner, and that looks awfull....

Anyone understood me? :p

Can anyone help me?
oh come on guys.......i just need to know how to put the banner in the center of the page......