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Exist one plugin that insert automatically the bots on forum?
What bots are you asking about? If it's search bots etc, why would you want them inserted onto your forum?
Bot while alexa, google bot, etc.
Some are there but for instance in phpbb3 there is a plugin that it automatically inserts 120 of them
It will be good, if there is a plugin that auto-inserts many bots.
There are enough site submission tools which should do the job.
But it might very good if inser the plugins.
I extracted the bot's data from the Phpbb3's database
I hope that these useful to you
You can copy the contents of the following sql in the implementation of phpmyadmin
-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 3.0.1
-- 主机: localhost
-- 生成日期: 2008 年 12 月 05 日 15:29
-- 服务器版本: 5.0.67
-- PHP 版本: 5.2.6


-- 数据库: `mybb2`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- 表的结构 `mybb_spiders`

  `sid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `theme` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `language` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  `usergroup` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `useragent` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
  `lastvisit` bigint(30) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`sid`)

-- 导出表中的数据 `mybb_spiders`

INSERT INTO `mybb_spiders` (`sid`, `name`, `theme`, `language`, `usergroup`, `useragent`, `lastvisit`) VALUES
(11, 'Google Adsense [Bot]', 0, '', 0, 'Mediapartners-Google', 0),
(12, 'Google Desktop', 0, '', 0, 'Google Desktop', 0),
(13, 'Google Feedfetcher', 0, '', 0, 'Feedfetcher-Google', 0),
(14, 'Gigabot [Bot]', 0, '', 0, 'Gigabot/', 0),
(15, 'Heise IT-Markt [Crawler]', 0, '', 0, 'heise-IT-Markt-Crawler', 0),
(16, 'Heritrix [Crawler]', 0, '', 0, 'heritrix/1.', 0),
(17, 'IBM Research [Bot]', 0, '', 0, '', 0),
(18, 'ICCrawler - ICjobs', 0, '', 0, 'ICCrawler - ICjobs', 0),
(19, 'ichiro [Crawler]', 0, '', 0, 'ichiro/2', 0),
(20, 'Majestic-12 [Bot]', 0, '', 0, 'MJ12bot/', 0),
(21, 'Metager [Bot]', 0, '', 0, 'MetagerBot/', 0),
(22, 'MSN NewsBlogs', 0, '', 0, 'msnbot-NewsBlogs/', 0),
(23, 'MSN [Bot]', 0, '', 0, 'msnbot/', 0),
(24, 'MSNbot Media', 0, '', 0, 'msnbot-media/', 0),
(25, 'NG-Search [Bot]', 0, '', 0, 'NG-Search/', 0),
(26, 'Nutch [Bot]', 0, '', 0, '', 0),
(27, 'Nutch/CVS [Bot]', 0, '', 0, 'NutchCVS/', 0),
(28, 'OmniExplorer [Bot]', 0, '', 0, 'OmniExplorer_Bot/', 0),
(29, 'Online link [Validator]', 0, '', 0, 'online link validator', 0),
(30, 'psbot [Picsearch]', 0, '', 0, 'psbot/0', 0),
(31, 'Seekport [Bot]', 0, '', 0, 'Seekbot/', 0),
(32, 'Sensis [Crawler]', 0, '', 0, 'Sensis Web Crawler', 0),
(33, 'SEO Crawler', 0, '', 0, 'SEO search Crawler/', 0),
(34, 'Seoma [Crawler]', 0, '', 0, 'Seoma [SEO Crawler]', 0),
(35, 'SEOSearch [Crawler]', 0, '', 0, 'SEOsearch/', 0),
(36, 'Snappy [Bot]', 0, '', 0, 'Snappy/1.1 ( )', 0),
(37, 'Steeler [Crawler]', 0, '', 0, '', 0),
(38, 'Synoo [Bot]', 0, '', 0, 'SynooBot/', 0),
(39, 'Telekom [Bot]', 0, '', 0, '[email protected]', 0),
(40, 'TurnitinBot [Bot]', 0, '', 0, 'TurnitinBot/', 0),
(41, 'Voyager [Bot]', 0, '', 0, 'voyager/1.0', 0),
(42, 'W3 [Sitesearch]', 0, '', 0, 'W3 SiteSearch Crawler', 0),
(43, 'W3C [Linkcheck]', 0, '', 0, 'W3C-checklink/', 0),
(44, 'W3C [Validator]', 0, '', 0, 'W3C_*Validator', 0),
(45, 'WiseNut [Bot]', 0, '', 0, '', 0),
(46, 'YaCy [Bot]', 0, '', 0, 'yacybot', 0),
(47, 'Yahoo MMCrawler [Bot]', 0, '', 0, 'Yahoo-MMCrawler/', 0),
(48, 'Yahoo Slurp [Bot]', 0, '', 0, 'Yahoo! DE Slurp', 0),
(49, 'Francis [Bot]', 0, '', 0, '', 0),
(50, 'YahooSeeker [Bot]', 0, '', 0, 'YahooSeeker/', 0),
(51, 'AdsBot [Google]', 0, '', 0, 'AdsBot-Google', 0),
(52, 'Baidu [Spider]', 0, '', 0, 'Baiduspider+(', 0),
(53, 'Exabot [Bot]', 0, '', 0, 'Exabot/', 0),
(54, 'FAST Enterprise [Crawler]', 0, '', 0, 'FAST Enterprise Crawler', 0),
(55, 'FAST WebCrawler [Crawler]', 0, '', 0, 'FAST-WebCrawler/', 0);
Thank you!
I'm tring to do a plugin that insert the bots!
good! Thank you!
Pages: 1 2