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Full Version: [F] MyBB 1.4.[3,4]: Bad PostgreSQL database logging [C-Michael83]
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MyBB 1.4.3 and 1.4.4.

There is no space between "user=xxx" and "port=xxx", for example it generates "... user=markport=5432 ...". The solution is to put some spaces in right places, like down here, in file inc/db_pgsql.php, in MyBB 1.4.4 from line 211:
$this->connect_string = "dbname={$single_connection['database']} user={$single_connection['username']}";
if(strpos($single_connection['hostname'], ':') !== false)
    list($single_connection['hostname'], $single_connection['port']) = explode(':', $single_connection['hostname']);
    $this->connect_string .= " port={$single_connection['port']}";

if($single_connection['hostname'] != "localhost")
    $this->connect_string .= " host={$single_connection['hostname']}";

    $this->connect_string .= " password={$single_connection['password']}";
Thank you for your bug report.

This bug has been fixed in our internal code repository. Please note that the problem will not be fixed here until these forums are updated.

With regards,
MyBB Group