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Full Version: A template lost its global inheritance
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(I wrote this in the theme forum, but I'm not sure where should this question go)
I just noted that a template I use ('Notebook' edited to work in a RTL environment) lost its inheritance to the "MyBBHeb Master Style". how can I reattach it back?
I'm now using an exported theme with the changes I did (mostly, just sorting 'align to right' instead of 'align to left' and vies verse).

Help! Please. My forum is being moved to a Linux based server and then it goes public. I need to understand whats wrong.

To my knowledge, you can't "reattach" it. All this means is that the stylesheet is different to the default MyBB theme... no known problems have been reported about it though...
There is a problem because it seems that there are a few templates (like Download Manager's, Akismet and some other plugins) that are put ONLY in the 'Master...' and so, if the active template doesn't inherit, all that was put on the global will not work.
Only stylesheets are inherited from the master, no?... Templates can be reverted back the their original versions by clicking on Options -> Revert to Original.

By breaking the inheritance, all you're doing is creating a copy of the stylesheet in the database. The theme then uses this copy. It's a (tiny) space issue in the database size.

Point out if I'm wrong... Undecided
Actually, I don't know what happens when not in inheritance "mode".
I think I'll write down every change I made (they do appear in red) and reload the original template, then do some copy&paste. This, I think will get me both the inheritance and the changes I made.

To be correct, I don't know when I'll have the time to do this. My forum is being moved to a Linux based server tomorrow (around 09:00 Israel time - GMT +02:00). I have to go to sleep in the next few minutes as I am awake for the last 30 something hours and tomorrow morning I have a 4-5 hours of driving.
With templates, if you create a version with the same name in the theme's template set, the theme will use that one instead of the global template. I don't know if this info helps you though...
I don't think you'll experience any problems with moving forums... just take a complete backup of all files and folders and database information just in case anything does go wrong.

I've never heard of any problems with inheritance... basically it's just copying the styles so it has something to refer back to, instead of being overwritten...