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Full Version: Option to delay "Last edited by.." tag
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I am one of the moderators at KDE forums.
There is this slight modification we would love to have.
Consider a case where a user posts a thread, notices a typo, "quick edits" it and saves it. MyBB immediately shows "Last edited by..." tag at the bottom of the post.
Just as vBulletin allows a post to be reviewed and edited for about 30 seconds without displaying the "Last edited" tag even if edited many times within the time limit, it would be great to have something similar implemented with MyBB.
ie, in a nutshell, MyBB could be made not to show this "Last edited.." tag for about 30 secs to 1 min after the thread/post is submitted.

Can you please see if this is possible?

Thank You!
Sayak Banerjee

Is the "Last edited..." really that big of an issue?

It's annoying, especially when it's just a small change made less than a minute after the post. Since I've changed where the "Edited By" text is on my forum layout, it's a bit more noticeable and therefore more annoying, but I'd rather not move it. If it's less than a minute, it's too soon (IMO) to warrant letting users know that the post was changed, because most likely the author intended it to be part of the original post.
Well, we'd say, it isn't an issue, but a feature request! Smile
With the "last edited" printed each time, the impression would be: What was written originally? This seems "unoriginal".
And rest all has been said by Firestryke31

Thanks and Regards
Sayak Banerjee
I must admit I wouldn't mind seeing this as I edit half my posts within a minute but won't be overly bothered if it isn't created.

Maybe a plugin??
I'd say a plugin. I don't see the big deal if it says you edited your post a minute after posting it.
If you tend to read over your post after making it, perhaps try to read over it before posting it?

EDIT: here's a modification if you want it:
In inc/functions_post.php, find:
if($post['edituid'] != 0 && $post['edittime'] != 0 && $post['editusername'] != "" && ($mybb->settings['showeditedby'] != 0 && $usergroup['cancp'] == 0 || $mybb->settings['showeditedbyadmin'] != 0 && $usergroup['cancp'] == 1))
Replace with:
if($post['edituid'] != 0 && $post['edittime'] != 0 && $post['editusername'] != "" && ($mybb->settings['showeditedby'] != 0 && $usergroup['cancp'] == 0 || $mybb->settings['showeditedbyadmin'] != 0 && $usergroup['cancp'] == 1) && ($post['edittime']-$post['dateline'])>60)

In xmlhttp.php, find:
if($mybb->settings['showeditedby'] != 0 && $mybb->settings['showeditedbyadmin'] != 0)
Replace with:
if($mybb->settings['showeditedby'] != 0 && $mybb->settings['showeditedbyadmin'] != 0 && ($post['edittime']-$post['dateline'])>60)

In both of the above, replace "60" (near the end of the line) with the grace period time in seconds (so the above example would hide the edited by message if the post was edited within a minute of posting).
(2008-12-04, 10:46 AM)Yumi Wrote: [ -> ]If you tend to read over your post after making it, perhaps try to read over it before posting it?

That's what I never seem to do Toungue But I'll test out the code change.
Hi and thanks a lot for the mod. I'll submit it to the admins asap!

Thank you and have a good day!
Sayak Banerjee