MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Restructure of Modifications & Themes forum
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Hello Community Members,

We're looking into restructuring the Modifications & Theme forums for a more clean and better organized layout.

Here is the new proposed structure:
Modifications Forum:
- Releases (Would act like the tutorials forum)
-- Requests, Discussion, Support
-- Development

Themes Forum:
- Releases (Would act like the tutorials forum)
-- Requests, Discussion, Support
-- Development
Sounds good! I will vote for this Smile
Seems a lot simpler, gets a vote from me.
Eh, I don't care.
I like the way it is, but that sounds nice.
Looks good.
Looks real good. It will be nice to have just releases in the release section and all the support for the various plugins somewhere else. Maybe though mod support should be in it's own section? Either that or just remove the mod support all together and say that support will only be offered on the author's site or within the mod's thread?


I agree with BMR
Also, maybe move Requests with Development. They're almost the same thing.
(2008-12-13, 03:02 PM)BMR777 Wrote: [ -> ]Looks real good. It will be nice to have just releases in the release section and all the support for the various plugins somewhere else. Maybe though mod support should be in it's own section? Either that or just remove the mod support all together and say that support will only be offered on the author's site or within the mod's thread?



I would have mod support in it's own section and not the same thread as the mod. main reason is because a number of people i have seen update thier mod's in the middle of the threads and it gets missed. Thus would be easier on all. Easier for mod author to update thread and easier for those looking for updated/new mod's. Would however create a new headache for staff perhaps as i am sure some would end up probably posting mod support topics in the release section. blah...Do whatever is easy.
(2008-12-13, 06:05 PM)RenegadeFan Wrote: [ -> ]Also, maybe move Requests with Development. They're almost the same thing.

No, they're really not. Development is more technical questions for people actually writing the code whereas requests is open to all. Can't really mix the technical questions with the "I want this" threads. Smile
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