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Full Version: Thread tooltip preview activating problem
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while activating it gives
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/forumsuz/public_html/inc/class_parser.php on line 577

how can i make longer that 30 sec.?
There's a call to set_time_limit(1800) before building the previews. The plugin is meant to be small and lightweight, so there's no complex system for building the cache over multiple pages.

You could ignore that error - just your current threads won't have a preview.
If it's preventing the plugin from activating, just delete these lines:
	// build the thread tooltips
	$query = $db->query('SELECT p.message,t.tid FROM '.$db->table_prefix.'threads t LEFT JOIN '.$db->table_prefix.'posts p ON');
	while($t = $db->fetch_array($query))
		$db->update_query('threads', array('postpreview' => threadtooltip_getpreview($t['message'])), 'tid='.$t['tid']);
My tooltip preview is not working . Actually i can it from configuration .But on result in forum menu
on two of my boards it works strange way, tooltip doesn't show up on different threads and I can't see the reason of it, but when I reactivate plugin tooltip shows up on that threads wich hasn't it before. Here's my board
I'm guessing it's to do with your template modifications or theme...
i figured out this thing, the problem is in another plugin "form manager" it creates threads different way.
I just tried adding this to my forum today (myBB1.4.11, MySQli 5.0.32 ) but it is giving an error - when I click activate from the plugins I get the error

1060 Duplicate Column Name.

The only way I can make it go away is by deleting the .php file via my FTP. Its a real shame, as this will be handy now my forum is getting busier, and its a fast way to check for spam etc in new posts

Can anyone help?
Try deleting the "postpreview" column in your mybb_threads table.
Ok, I know how to do that (delete that is) - but I dont know how to put it back if it does not work. Any advice on how I can safeguard against that?
The plugin adds the field when you activate it. It is not used by MyBB.
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