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Full Version: MySQL usage and overload
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Sorry for my bad english, but i'm italian. Rolleyes
MyBB on my server, when there's so much users on-line, overloads MySQL and the RAM.
I've turned on the files caching but it continues.
What should i do?

Thank you and a happy new year to everyone Wink

if you need my forum is
Can you post what is shown in the Debug Information section in the bottom right hand corner of your forum??

And do you get any SQL errors or just slow loading??
No, only slow loading. I'm in a VPS with 512 MB of RAM, is too little memory?
Here you are:

Generated in 0.0753469 seconds (89.37% PHP / 10.63% MySQL)
SQL Queries: 12 / Global Parsing Time: 0.0446160 / Memory Usage: 5 MB
PHP version: 5.2.6 / Server Load: / GZip Compression: Disabled
Well according to the debug info, the actual page is generated in 0.07 seconds, which is pretty good, and within acceptable range. If the page is taking more than a few seconds to load, then it is likely a problem with your connection between the VPS and the server.