MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Extend ACP forms?
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I am working on a plugin which needs to add a text field to the "add forum"-form in the ACP.
The form is built by this code:

	$form_container = new FormContainer($lang->add_forum);
	$form_container->output_row($lang->create_a, $lang->create_a_desc, $form->generate_radio_button('type', 'f', $lang->forum, $create_a_options_f)."<br />\n".$form->generate_radio_button('type', 'c', $lang->category, $create_a_options_c));
	$form_container->output_row($lang->title." <em>*</em>", "", $form->generate_text_box('title', $forum_data['title'], array('id' => 'title')), 'title');
	$form_container->output_row($lang->description, "", $form->generate_text_area('description', $forum_data['description'], array('id' => 'description')), 'description');
	$form_container->output_row($lang->parent_forum." <em>*</em>", $lang->parent_forum_desc, $form->generate_forum_select('pid', $forum_data['pid'], array('id' => 'pid', 'main_option' => $lang->none)), 'pid');
	$form_container->output_row($lang->display_order, "", $form->generate_text_box('disporder', $forum_data['disporder'], array('id' => 'disporder')), 'disporder');

So as you can see there is no suitable hook. Is there another way to extend the default forms in the ACP or do I have to add my code into the file directy?