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Full Version: [B] Special Character Username Problem
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«♦Right Hand Man♦»

I had a user change his name from Right Hand Man to «♦Right Hand Man♦» today and he could no longer log in.

My SQL collation is utf8_unicode_ci and the forums are set for UTF too.

This is the second time this person has had this issue and users stopped using special characters in names around 1.4.3 I believe is when it broke. Essentially they can't login.

Can this be looked into? I haven't yet duplicated this as my time is short.

And here is thread where my users discusses this:

And I made the changes to the member.php that Ryan posted with the login problem and captcha before.
Alright I tried to signup as a new user with those characters...on the ajax it displays this:
Works fine here (tested on my trunk)
Here is a more detailed description of what he did.
Quote:well, when i made those special characters, i copied and pasted them from charmap directly into where i change my username. well actually, i only copied and pasted the weird arrow things. i entered the diamond things ♦ manually, its just alt+4. both times when i changed my username and i got locked out, i had those diam♦nd things in my name. perhaps mybb has a hatred of diamonds? =o

Supposedly he was at some point locked out of his account. Now this is the same guy before that had a problem and I mentioned it. If this turns out bogus then so be it but wanted to see if others have similar problems or if this can be replicated.
Mark as BOGUS....users account was compromised. He found out after I gave him access and realized someone was in it.

So...sorry and mark as BOGUS.
So does this only happen when he's locked out of his account? Or is this because it returns an error when he's using that username even with a correct password?
He has a keylogger. He is a complete moron and ticking me off about it. His password is compromised as well as his whole home system. So...sorry and mark this as bogus or feel free to delete entirely after you read this reply.
Let me know if this issue turns up again