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Full Version: [D] Lost Password not working
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A few of my users are having issues with the lost password image verification bit, the image doesnt come up for them. Honestly, i just got in and not had time to check it out but i have had around 5 users report this to me over the last few days.

Thanks! Im on latest mybb version. forum address is
sorry posting this on my iphone, in a rush, version mybb is 1.4.4 (1404).

The bug happens when the user is asked to enter an image verification after getting a lost password email sent out. Hope this is enough info
(2009-01-03, 09:51 PM)MattR Wrote: [ -> ]

Sorry, i believed this was still a bug , if it was fixed a month ago, how come its not in an update?
Yes, that link points you to a file that fixes it Smile

And it isn't because of requesting a new password, there's just a general bug with the CAPTCHA when you type the wrong password too many times and you get locked out. The CAPTCHA doesn't work but the file in the URL fixes it.

Edit: It isn't fixed yet because the problem occurred in 1.4.4 and there hasn't been another maintenance release since 1.4.4 yet.

Sorry for my rushed post, i should have fully read up on the bugs found/fixed. Thanks for pointing me to the file though, much appreciate.

Mybb really is a great forum Smile
No problem Smile As I said that should fix it up but if it doesn't, report back. Something may have to be done to the database, but it's unlikely.