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Full Version: Unusual dispay problem for some images!
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Hey all,

Hope everyone is recuperating from the holidays well, and had good ones!

I recently took off my image logo banner that occupied the same space the current banner does, but because it is flash and does not entirely represent the image I want to reflect I have placed a small image on either side of the flash banner, but nothing I do will allow them to display, and i have given up as to why.
I have tried a myriad of possible combinations of code as well as manners of placing them the pictures have been placed n every image folder on the server to ensure one path would be right, I tried removing the flash and leaving just the table with the images, and the best result I can get are image place holders in IE and nothing I FF, if I use webdev to outline al pictures and background pictures and they are not found, but I know I am using the right template header file because the flash is in the same table.

Here is my edit of the header file in the default template that is used by all themes...
<div id="container">
		<a name="top" id="top"></a>
		<div id="header">
                       <div class="logo" align="center">
                        <table height=100% width=100%>
                         <td align="center"><img source="../images/handsholdingseedling-image960838.jpg"></td>
                         <td align="center" valign="center">
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
WIDTH="768" HEIGHT="120" id="../images/myNewBanner.swf"><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="../images/myNewBanner.swf"><PARAM NAME="quality" VALUE="high"><PARAM NAME="bgcolor" VALUE="#BEB9A0"><EMBED src="../images/myNewBanner.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#BEB9A0" WIDTH="768" HEIGHT="120"
NAME="..images/myNewBanner.swf" ALIGN="center" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"
"PLUGINSPAGE=""></EMBED></OBJECT>                          </td>
                          <td align="center"><img source="../images/cghands5.jpg"></td>
                        <div class="menu">

As you can see this is the complete div container by showing the beginning of the next div container, so what does anyone think is preventing these images from displaying? since they do not display even if I remove the flash banner, and if I copy this same table in to the "sideboxes" input field to add additional boxes they DO display!

Thanks in advance for any solution to this, it has been plaguing me for weeks now. Not that i spent every waking moment on it but anything I have done was for naught!


Click the Grandparents forum link below to see the site in question!
Sorry, but bumping this for some hope of help since it has been two days and no responses!

Can someone please explain what it is I am doing wrong??


Can no one help with this???? What am I missing for some of the developers to chime in with some help here?

If it wasn't enough that these images are not displaying, but it seems any plug ins i have added since so not appear either, specifically, Board messages, plug in activates, settings allow adding a message, but nothing displays, and I just noticed as of a few days ago (I have deactivated all new plug-ins prior to issue) on thread view pages the footer is above the thread listing!
What's up with that? I can't seem to find what the relationship is, although I am pretty sure there is one!

PLEASE someone chime in here with some help!


Just off the top of my head, don't have much time to look at it, but shouldn't it be src, not source?
<img src="../images/handsholdingseedling-image960838.jpg">

instead of
<img source="../images/handsholdingseedling-image960838.jpg">
OMG Could I have been any more have no idea how long i have been beating my head against the wall over this!!


Thank you so much!!!!

your response is greatly appreciated, it's amazing how we miss some of the most obvious things when chasing ghosts, I once spent and entire week over a missing ';' on a PHP page LOL!

Big help you are!

Can not thank you enough! I assume it is displaying properly now?
You can have src, I never use anything else..... looks like you didn't close the tag though.


<img src="../images/handsholdingseedling-image960838.jpg">

should be this:

<img src="../images/handsholdingseedling-image960838.jpg" />

At elast that makes more sense to me, as you can quite easily use img src....