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Full Version: Pages not refreshing
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I am having a major problem on my site with pages not resfreshing. So after you have read a forum and go back to the index it says there are unread forums. Also after you have read a new pm and go back to the index page it still says there is a new pm for you when there isn't. Likewise you go into who's online and it doesn't show who is currently online but who was on line last time you looked. It does this sort of thing for everything. If you refresh the page in the browser everything goes back to the way it should be but that it incredibly annoying to have to constantly do that.

I have changed the cookie expiry settings and I have also added the subbulb plugin but nothing seems to have changed anything. It is really frustrating and my members are also beginning to get frustrated.

This is a newly installed forum using MyBB1.4.4.
Do you use the back button or the home link?
(2009-01-17, 04:10 AM)_Tim Wrote: [ -> ]Do you use the back button or the home link?

I use the home link.
There are known caching issues in some browsers - which browser are you using?

Also, check these settings (AdminCP -> Configuration -> Server and Optimization Options):
Send Standard Headers should be set to No
Send No Cache Headers should be set to Yes

Hope that helps.
(2009-01-17, 05:47 AM)Yumi Wrote: [ -> ]There are known caching issues in some browsers - which browser are you using?

Also, check these settings (AdminCP -> Configuration -> Server and Optimization Options):
Send Standard Headers should be set to No
Send No Cache Headers should be set to Yes

Hope that helps.

I am using Firefox but some other members are using IE and it is happening on both. I checked the settings. The Send No Cache Headers was set to No. I have changed it to Yes, now so hopefully that will help.

Thanks for the advice.
Maybe also clear your cache if you haven't already, Ctrl + F5.